Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Eyes that burn with passion,
Eyes that burn with pain,
Eyes that burn with sorrow,
Time and time again.

Six years looking into this well,
It's depth never to behold.
Six years of loving and aching,
To touch beyond the cold
Of love's wintry pain.

Life remolded and redefined--
How could it be life without thee.
In life and death my soul is thine,
A caged bird not wanting to be free
Of your embrace.

In heart, in soul, in mind, in body,
In all ways my very self thirst for you.
To touch, to see, to taste, to hear,
In joy and pain--each day I wish anew,
To have and to hold--oh love.

And love has brought us so very far,
Twas love that brought us so near,
That love has given us Jonathan,
And love that teaches me to fear,
Ever losing your love.

Eyes that burn with passion,
Mine eyes cry with your pain.
Will our eyes see past the sorrow,
And only see love again?
I pray...
I love you.


Written some 15 years ago...

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