Friday, May 8, 2015


And how did God in mortal frame,
Broken, bloodied, crumpled flesh,
The will that sustains each orbital,
Worlds, stars, galaxies, or particles.
One moment weakened in a creche,
Then upon the cross of our infamy,
His last breath spares us the blame.

And how did death hold him near,
Organs and organelles pulse none,
The love that sustains each love,
Loveless in Hades icy fire burns.
One moment the universe embraced,
Then into a tomb entombed remains,
The light put out with nail and spear.

And why did the gaping maw surrender,
The fire that fires all stars and loves,
The burning soul rights each equation,
Beauty and  truth, fearful in symmetry,
Emerges in this One son of a woman,
Scarred by human life and death, forever,
Humanity in Divinity in lasting splendor.

And how this longing is ever kindled,
That all ever be life unto love unto life,
Beloved, though bones and hearts break,
Sip wine, eat bread, plunge below waters,
Blood, body, burial; sacraments of salvation,
Gifts that foretaste the divine fellowship.
In joy, eyes watered; in fear, limbs trembled.


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