Thursday, August 2, 2012

Here Again

Ever present, this ghost haunts the places,
The dusty corridors of a tired mind.
The flashes of joy that pang in doubt,
Ever shut my lids as I recall your faces —
Your love professed in a greening park,
Your rage that I was not more, much more.
Love's every grace ends in disgraces,
There again.

Ever knowing, I'll walk in clouds no more,
Hubris to sip sweet nectar with the gods,
Expecting my love to heal the wounding,
Banished from heaven, ne'er again to soar.
Our vows, now become tired old words,
Our brittle hearts crack like old porcelain,
And this exchange of covenants for war,
There again.

Ever feeling, that beauty and truth are lost,
Eyes strain to see — in the crimson dawning,
The paschal blood seeping through billows,
For loving — dying is loving's defining cost.
And though eyes of the soul in monochrome,
Pain in each and every revelatory moment;
Love — God in truth and beauty, will accost,
Here again,

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