Monday, June 1, 2009


The orb will tilt in space,
The fire sinks o'er the line,
Now Lune begins her chase,
In hues of autumn wine,
The sky absorbs the taste,
Summons our souls to pine.

Sun blazes into night,
Shadows bleed 'ere they blend,
As endless specks of light,
Black sky in beauty rend,
With angel tones of white,
Heavens heal as they portend.

The darkness deepens still,
Beasts call as called by moon,
Some to flee, some to kill,
Some moan in midnight swoon,
And in the darkened chill,
Bug and bird, weep and croon.

And 'ere the watches fail,
With eastern skies aglow,
And as the darkness ails,
The morning will bestow,
Aurora soft and pale,
In healing, warming glow.

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