Monday, June 30, 2008


In every breath, a world of death,
Within each breeze, are the histories,
Of countless lives, of endless strifes,
Every particle plays, infinity of days,
The story.

Every falling star, rumors eternal wars,
A lovely — chaos dance, design or mere chance?
Endless thread unbroken, each life but a token,
Universe within universe, within blessing or curse,
The plot.

Protons, neutrons, electrons, travel across the eons,
Now a nebulae, now a breath, now a birth, now a death,
Same stuff as the stars, their fiery dreams are ours,
Matrix of matter and Spirit, we love it and we fear it,
The prose.

Every human birth, preludes the pain of earth,
Every human life, lived upon the edge of knife.
Sibling to the galaxies, beloved upon our knees,
Loves, stories, dreams; the light within us gleams.
The Crescendo.

1 comment:

  1. Not my favorite...I'm going to try and "repair" this one...or retire it...
