Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunrise Dance

Walking through a lazy morn,
Drops of sweat and drops of dew,
To skin surface drawn, they form,
A film of cool, a feeling new.

Waking eyes to morning rays,
Light basks faces once immersed,
In nights dark and starry haze,
Now aglow, healed and nursed.

Sun, still gentle, cups my face,
A soft kiss into my eyes,
Her lips touch, a gentle embrace,
That quiets the noise of inner cries.

To think, this jewel fired by love,
That speaks through thunder and blood,
It beckons to heights, to rise above,
I dream to taste its cleansing flood.

Walking through a lazy morn,
Sipping a new taste of innocence,
I long again to be reborn,
In the hope of the sunrise dance.

*** This was probably written about 12 years ago.

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