How can you rightly be remembered,
Burn and blaze in my waning soul,
I with the sense of a new born foal,
Neglect the love that gathered,
This one to its breast.
You have entered my darkest places,
And I held the spike and the spear,
Cold. As dark filled the sky with fear,
Hades halls were stormed by graces,
Only dying could attest.
As there I stood with dripping spear,
With all the children of Adam's race,
What is this — our sin did God erase?
There his blood has stained this sphere.
Without rancor or protest.
And I can taste your flesh and blood,
At your table, the bread and the wine,
Brings you — as death could not confine,
A seed that dies, will arise and bud,
Hope for all the dispossessed.
How can you rightly be remembered,
Burn and blaze this birthing soul,
This body and blood — an ardent coal,
That ambers the grace I once hungered,
In death — love did you bequest,
To save a broken man,
And his kin,
And his race,
In your descent.